Team Profile


Maria Sheena Betito
one of the writers of the team,  
she is very Enthralling, 
Natural and Adaptable.

Jamaela Pelausa
another writer of the team 
and the so called “recording artist of the year”. 
A very Jolly person, although she is modest
you’ll definitely have fun being with her.

Camille Ignacio
the 2nd recording artist of the year
and a Creative writer too,
she has a lot of Amazing ideas
that she want to do things all at the same time,
and she’s always Motivated.

Mark Daniel Crisostomo
he is the web Designer of the team, 
an Adamant person and Idealistic,
and a Natural when it comes to editing photographs.

Jino Jovi San Pedro
considered as one of the video editor,
a Jaunty person, Imaginative, Nice and Optimistic.

John Kenneth Gil
a video editor, a Kind person and somewhat Extrovert
and really a nice guy.

Marc Simon Cortes
a computer expert, he edited most of the videos, 
a Sensitive person, Impulsive and Moody, 
but he is open-minded.

(Left to Right) Catherine Ramos, Joretze Carandang, Nelia Hernandez


Catherine Q. Ramos
with videos as her expertise,
Kenneth and Simon have surely learned a lot

Nelia F. Hernandez
without her motivation and encouragement
we could not have gone this far with this project.


Joretze S. Carandang
with her prodding and encouragement,
our team has accomplished
more than what we expected.

School Principal

Mr. Sulpicio C. Alferez III
with him as our school head,
teachers were provided freedom to seek for a better learning environment outside of the four corners of the classroom.  As a result we, student, have had true to life experiences of a practical learning we will never forget.